Sunday, December 5, 2021

Who are the true patriots?

Patriotism in this country used to be linked with sacrifice. During WW2, Americans endured government-regulated rationing, food and product scarcity, water and utility limitations and many many other sacrifices. They turned off their lights after a certain time of evening. They collected metals and other products soldiers needed. All of this was done willingly and without complaint. 

When polio struck, the entire world reeled.  No one knew where it came from and who it would infect. Americans were terrified. When the polio vaccine was created in 1955 and distributed a few years later, we were tearfully relieved and thankful.  We all gratefully accepted the vaccine. Today, polio is all but eliminated from the U.S.

The smallpox outbreak of 1947 in New York City was another medical crisis. It shocked residents, many of whom had been previously vaccinated. (In some, the vaccine didn't work or had expired). Since the vaccine was available and refined, 6 million New Yorkers were vaccinated in less than a week. No weeping, wailing, or gnashing of teeth required. Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since.

Long ago, Americans knew the importance of supporting one another and sticking together to fight a common foe. 

We live in a very different country today. Many Americans only care about themselves. And they are proud of their self-gratification. They besmirch patriotism by acting in completely unpatriotic ways. They pretend that their refusal to be vaccinated or masked is somehow upholding the “American Way”.  

Sorry, they’re full of merde. It’s doing the opposite. Their behavior is prolonging a worldwide pandemic, stressing hospitals and medical people and adding unnecessary risks to the already immune-deficient.

Plus, they look profoundly stupid. 

Their patriotism is fake, bordering on treason. The true patriotism of long ago has reverted to complete insubordination and selfishness.