Sunday, December 4, 2016

Post-election advice

OK, I’ve finally emerged from howling and pounding in my padded room. And I’ve got something to say.

Get a job.

That’s what the “abandoned, disenfranchised” white working class has been saying to the homeless and the urban poor for decades. Now, that’s what the rest of us say to you.

We know many of you eased by for years, melding plastic pieces together, cutting nubbies off tires, made a good living, bought a house, put your kids through college, had a pension. Was able to work stoned and/or drunk.

Those days are over. O-V-E-R. 

You need to move and/or learn a new trade. I suggest Tech. Every day I read about thousands of jobs available in the Seattle area alone. 50,000, 60,000—all up for grabs. Can’t fill ‘em.  

We’ve all had to move or otherwise adjust to advancing technology in our jobs: I’ve had to learn about databases, document management software, programming, wordprocessing, spreadsheets, HTML.

I loved the old IBM Selectric typewriter, but as it was gradually replaced, I didn’t huddle under my desk, with tears streaming and chin quivering in protest until all the icky computer thingies went by the wayside. 

My entire family has adjusted to changing job requirements. 

Dad—every time he got a promotion, we needed to move. (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia).

Brother—he moved to an area where he could learn and use computer skills. (Michigan from Virginia).

Husband—moved from Air Force station in San Bernardino to LA for job. No one moves to LA because they want to live there. He later moved to Seattle for additional job promotion. 

Me—moved to urban areas (Philadelphia, Seattle) for better job prospects and living conditions. 

You can too, believe me.

If you have a smartphone, laptop or desktop and/or can configure your TV--smart or not-- then you’re on your way to qualifying for a tech job. 

Go, go go.

Now, let’s talk about the election results. 

The “winners” in this election are the brattiest sore winners I’ve ever seen. Screaming on airplanes; scrawling swastikas on walls and cupcakes; harassing people of color, Muslims, LGBTs. Peppering social media posts, even now, with “lock her up.”  And blasting Hillary supporters with links and links and links from dubious sullen sources. Pumping themselves up over their legitimized hatred of everything good and decent. I’ve never seen a group of people who are so gleeful that they can now, with complete impunity, engage in their innate mistrust and disrespect of everything different from their small, comfortable world.

It’s like they aced a test they failed to study for and instead cheated on. Like they realized they were undercharged on a restaurant bill but it’s the Waiter’s fault and by gum they’re not going to report it. It’s that glorious feeling of getting away with something. Stealing from the cookie jar. Cheating on a mate. Date raping. They got away with it! Woo hoo!

No gratitude. No hope. All vengeful and snide and “we told you so”. 

I’ve never heard anything close to, “I’m glad he won because he makes me feel happy and makes me feel I can be a better person. I’m glad he won because he’s a great role model.”


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