Monday, September 21, 2020

Gratitude party!

 It seems like the earth is spiraling off its axis. I decided this was a good time to thank my lucky stars for all the good things in my life, instead of railing about all the bad.  Railing becomes exhausting. 

1. I am so thankful for my hubby. He takes such good care of me and we're so simpatico in many ways, I feel like we're related.  (other than the married thing). Something-something-once removed or whatever. Actually, we ARE likely remotely related but I haven't figured it all out yet. 

2. My family and relatives are the best. They all live hundreds and thousands of miles away but I always feel them hovering over me. A good, loving hover. 

3. I love our yard bunny who comes and goes and amuses us with his Zen-like stillness and concentration.  What is yard bunny thinking about? Probably something along the lines of "Who is going to try to eat me next?" Well, not us, yard bunny--you're safe here (I think he knows)

4. I'm thankful that I'm not dead. Truly. I'm doing well on my medications and currently my cancer is not progressing. Xeloda has been good to me so far. Brain drain is becoming comfortable. Corroded feet and hands are becoming comfortable. As long as the crap is keeping me alive, I'll take the body and mind blows. Ascites is still my nemesis, but it seems to be subsiding somewhat. 

5. I have the most wonderful friends! They check in with me regularly and help keep me positive and in good humor.  

6. My neighbors are great! Although we don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, they continue to be friendly, kind, and compassionate. Awesome! 

7.  I am thankful for Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  'Nuff said. 

That's it for now. Long posts, especially lists, can quickly lose their luster. 

But I'll add more later. 

So, what are you all grateful for? 😍


  1. Thank you Kathy for this attitude adjustment reminder. I woke up this morning feeling almost optimistic despite the chaos surrounding us. My health is good, my children are marvelous, my friends are wonderful, I have a roof over my head and plenty of food. I have the time and means to pursue my interests without too much concern. The sun is shining and the temperature is just right. Our country has faced big challenges in the past and we have survived. There is no reason to believe this will be any different. It's easy to descend into anxiety, worry and depression but that doesn't serve us. Be aware, speak up and put one foot in front of the other. I am learning that from you. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you!!! That means so much to me!
